If the drift velocity of the electron is too low then how they can oscillate very fast in a high frequency alternating current


As we know the drift velocity of electrons inside a current carrying conductor is $\sim 10^{-4}$ m/s and with this if it's an alternating current with a very high frequency let's say 10 kHz then how can the electrons travel very fast so that they can complete 10k cycles in just 1 second despite of having a very small drift velocity?

Also, how will the energy get transferred to the load if the electrons are not entering the power source and just oscillating (if it is) about it's mean position to take the energy from the source and put it into the load? and if the case is not like that then how the energy is transferred In the load In the case of AC.

Please focus more on the first question, I want to understand this thing.

Best Answer

Energy transfer from component $A$ to component $B$ is not accomplished by moving electrons from $A$ to $B$. It is accomplished by establishing a "guided" electromagnetic field and its associated Poynting vector.

The wires or cables of an electrical circuit or the antenna of a broadcast station produce shaped electromagnetic fields. These shaped fields have both electrical and magnetic fields (vectors) which have a directional power flow. It's not the moving charges that carry the power, it's the electromagnetic (not simply the electrical) field.

In AC circuits, the power source changes the direction of the electrical field causing electrons in the wires to move, generally, parallel to the wires, producing time-varying magnetic fields. The resulting electromagnetic wave carries the energy flow to other components connected to the wires because the wires shape the fields.