Quantum Field Theory – Why Used in Condensed Matter Physics?

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There are many successful theories in condensed matter physics in the framework of quantum field theories, such as Fermi liquid theory.

However, condensed matter physics is low-energy and non-relativistic by nature. If so, why is quantum field theory, which unites special relativity and quantum mechanics, used in condensed matter physics? Is it because quantum field theory can describe systems with infinitely many degrees of freedom? Or, is it because that it can deal with interacting multi-particle system much better than quantum mechanics?

Or, is there some other reason that I do not know yet?

Best Answer

The crucial thing that QFT brings to the table is that it allows us to naturally model systems with an indefinite number of particles. For a relativistic system this is a necessity because particle number is not conserved at relativistic energies; for non-relativistic systems with a thermodynamically large number of particles, QFT is a very convenient tool through which we may implement the grand canonical ensemble, in which the particle number is indefinite not because of relativistic pair production and annihilation but rather because the system is in chemical contact with a particle reservoir.

Even for non-relativistic systems with definite particle number, QFT is a very convenient language for describing the dynamics of quasiparticles. When one considers the low-energy excitations of electrons in a solid, for example, the vast majority of the electrons are "frozen" below the Fermi level and do not participate in any dynamics. Near the Fermi level, electrons may be excited into higher energy states which do participate in dynamics (e.g. they can conduct current and scatter with phonons). Interaction with the surrounding lattice gives these excitations effective properties (mass, charge, etc) which differ from those of bare electrons in free space, and so the excitations are regarded as quasiparticles. Crucially, these quasiparticles are not conserved (since e.g. the absorption of a photon "creates" a quasiparticle excitation), and the formalism of QFT provides a convenient language in which we might describe quasiparticles as excitations above the ground state (filled) Fermi sea - in quite a precise analogy with how QFT allows us to describe actual elementary particles as excitations above the ground state vacuum in high energy physics.

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