Warp Drives – How Was This Warp Bubble Generated?


The Debrief just reported that DARPA just "accidentally" created the world's first warp bubble. The actual paper is available here.

My layman understanding is that warp drives were so far only theoretical because they require the existence and acquisition of exotic matter and negative energy density. However, they're saying that it's the real deal, not just an analogue.

The report only makes a vague statement mentioning the Casimir effect, but I'm not sure how it allows to create a warp bubble. So how does it work?

Best Answer

This is another case of the popular media sensationalizing a result almost beyond recognition. If you read the paper, you'll see that they were modeling a Casimir vacuum on a computer, so they didn't physically create anything. It also seems that the structure they observed in the model is reminiscent of or suggestive of a warp bubble, but a similarity in structure between two mathematical objects is by no means proof that a real physical warp bubble can be created in this way. So the study is intriguing but not at all as exciting as the popular account would suggest.

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