Electromagnetism – How Does the Poynting Vector Identify Primary and Secondary in a Transformer?

electromagnetic-inductionelectromagnetismmagnetic fieldspoynting-vector

I've read in several places that the Poynting vector is directed from the primary to the secondary of a transformer (we assume here that the primary is the winding that provide the AC energy, while the secondary is just connected to some resistive load); the simulation below shows the electric, magnetic, and Poynting vector fields around a transformer.
Assuming an ideal 1:1 transformer with identical windings, both the Electric and Magnetic fields are symmetric, so there is no way to know who is the primary and the secondary from these fields. But the Poynting vector is directed from the primary to the secondary, and I found that puzzling, because I can't figure out how the Poynting vector "knows that": indeed, assuming a power factor of 1 (ideal transformer), I can make the secondary primary, passing the same current as when it was a secondary, and then the secondary (that was the primary) will have the same current as when it was the primary. So, the currents being the same, how does the Poynting vector can decide who is the primary and the secondary?

Electric field around a transformer

Magnetic field around a transformer

Poynting vector around a transformer

Best Answer

The electric and magnetic fields are symmetric, yes, but across different axes. The combined electromagnetic field has neither symmetry. Consider that $/$ and $|$ have symmetries similar to your pictures of the fields, but when you put them together the result ($\hspace{.05em}/\hspace{-0.25em}|$) has lost those symmetries. In particular, flipping the electric field along the magnetic field's vertical line of symmetry swaps the primary and secondary (and flips the Poynting vector accordingly).

In terms of currents and voltages, the primary is the one where the current drops from higher to lower voltage and the secondary is the one where the current rises from lower to higher voltage. I.e. the coils are identified simply by using the sign of $P=IV.$ (See also: Poynting's theorem.)

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