General Relativity – How Space-Time Curvature Explains Reverse Falling Ball


If we throw a perfect uniform ball up in the air without any rotation in a vacuum room in a perfect perpendicular direction of earths gravitational pull and mark the part of the ball that is pointing towards the upward/away direction with an arrow, then I assume that the ball at some point will stop moving away from
the earth and then start moving back towards the earth until it hits the earth.
In this experiment I assume that the ball will fall still having the arrow pointing
away from the earth.

How does curved space-time explain this? The intuition you get after reading a bit on the subject (not delving into the math) is that the ball should follow some path through space(-time) which is then being curved by earth. In this logic, it seems like the ball should carry on going "forward" along its path and eventually hit earth with the arrow poiting "forward" i.e. straigt towards earth.

But the ball stops at its peak in the air and then fall in reverse.

Curious how this works withing the curvatures of space-time.

And a similar quesion: If a photon is fired from inside a black hole in a perfect perpendicular angle away from the center of the black hole, how does the photon end up hitting the center? Like the ball above? If we mark the end of the photon initially going away from the black hole, is it this end that hits the center or the other end of the photon?

Best Answer

In this logic, it seems like the ball should carry on going "forward" along its path and eventually hit earth with the arrow poiting "forward" i.e. straight towards earth.

"Forward" in the sense of a space-time trajectory means "future-directed." The path followed by the ball (or rather, each point on the ball) is indeed future directed as per this spacetime diagram, in which the direction of the worldlines is provided by the purple arrows and $z$ is the vertical coordinate. enter image description here

The dotted lines appear to be curved, but the thing to understand is that the underlying spacetime is what's actually curved; the lines are as straight as lines can be when drawn on a curved surface. Indeed, one has to be careful to define what it even means for a curve to be straight when the surface it's drawn on isn't a flat piece of paper; how can you draw a straight line on an egg, for example? This technical redefintion of straightness, along with a careful definition of intrinsic curvature, are laid out in the mathematics of general relativity; it is in this sense that (a) spacetime can be curved, and (b) the worldlines of inertial point particles are "straight."

If a photon is fired from inside a black hole in a perfect perpendicular angle away from the center of the black hole, how does the photon end up hitting the center?

There's no way to make this intuitive, but the clearest explanation I know is that at the event horizon, the radial coordinate and the temporal coordinate switch roles. What this means is that within the event horizon, the phrase "if a photon is fired away from the center [...]" takes on the same meaning as the phrase "if a photon is fired into the past [...]" does outside the event horizon. Once this role-reversal occurs, there simply are no light-like trajectories which proceed away from the center.

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