How to Determine Order of Degeneracy in Silicon Bands


In an exercise on intrinsic semiconductors, I was asked to compute the effective state density in conduction and valence bands of Silicon (resp. $N_c(T)$ and $P_v(T)$), at $T=300$K. Those can be expressed as:
N_c(T) = \frac{1}{4} \left( \frac{2m_c k_B T}{\pi \hbar^2}\right)^{3/2}
P_v(T) = \frac{1}{4} \left( \frac{2m_v k_B T}{\pi \hbar^2}\right)^{3/2},
with $m_c$ (resp. $m_v$) the effective mass of conduction (resp. valence) carriers and $k_B$ Boltzmann's constant. I know that one can account for the degeneracy of the bands by replacing the effective masses in the above formulae by
m_{c,v}^{3/2} \to \sum_i m_i^{3/2}
where $m_i$ is the effective mass corresponding to the $i$th extremum in the band.

What I do not understand is that in the solution, it is said that the degeneracy in the conduction band is of 6, while the degeneracy in the valence band is of $4 = 2+2$ due to the so called "heavy" and "light" holes, yielding
m_c^{3/2} \to 6 m_c^{3/2} , \qquad m_v^{3/2} \to 2 (m_{hh}^{3/2} + m_{lh}^{3/2}).
Could someone enlighten me on these numbers?

I guess I am also a bit confused with the concept of heavy and light holes in the valence band so any clarification would be greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

Problem solved! This page gives a comprehensive explanation on the origin of heavy & light holes in semiconductors, while this one demonstrates the 6-fold degeneracy of the conduction band of silicon : "The six-fold degeneracy of the valleys arise due to the symmetry of the lattice along the [100], [010], and [001] directions".