Kilogram – How Do We Actually Build the New Kilogram?

Measurementsmetrologyphysical constantssi-units

Once upon a time the kilogram was a piece of metal preserved in a vault located in a basement. If I needed to build a high precision balance all I needed to do was tuning the the value of my kilograms to that piece of metal.

Things changed in 2019 and the kilogram got redefined. Not anymore exactly equal to a piece of metal preserved in a vault located in a basement, but exactly equal to $\frac{h}{c^2}$ multiplied by a ridiculously large number ($1.356392489652 \times 10^{50}$ hertz).

But I am still a balance manufacturer. How do I tune my kilograms to this exact new value? And how can anyone do it – even allowing some uncertainty?

Best Answer

I have found the answer to my own question: The Kibble balance. For the technical details, see this article.

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