Optics – How Do Anti-Reflection Coatings in Solar Cells Work?


We know that silicon is too shiny to absorb incoming light that's why anti-reflection coating is needed to make the incoming light stay inside the cell.

enter image description here

However, the problem is, even though the cell is covered with anti-reflection coating, the silicon material inside is still shiny and it still reflects the incoming light that passes through the anti-reflection coating so,

How come an anti-reflection coating be useful on a solar cell?

They explain that the coating has such a thickness that consecutive lights cancel each other that's why light waves do not go out, but canceling light waves mean that they were going out of the cell and they were canceled out. So lesser amount of light wave remains inside.


As they claim, how come light stays inside the cell?

Best Answer

In your picture the light going through is not in the picture. Since in ideal case al the reflected light is cancelled out, the through going light is the only one which reaches the silicon amplified. Whenever you have cancelling interference in one part, you have amplifying on the other side. If nothing comes out, everything stays in (law of conservation of energy) .