Double-Pendulum – How Chaotic is the Double-Pendulum if Arms Are Not Perfectly Rigid?

chaos theoryclassical-mechanicsnewtonian-mechanicsnon-linear-systems

The double pendulum is a famous example of a chaotic system. It consists of one pendulum hanging from the end of another pendulum, which in turn hangs from a fixed point. In the traditional version, both arms are perfectly rigid.

Here's an easy way to generalize the model so that the arms are not perfectly rigid. Let $\mathbf{x}$ and $\mathbf{y}$ be the variable locations of the ends of the two arms, where masses $m_x$ and $m_y$ are located. (The arms themselves are massless.) Take the system's equations of motion to be
+ \nabla_\bfx V(\bfx,\bfy) &= 0
+ \nabla_\bfy V(\bfx,\bfy) &= 0

with potential energy
&- m_x\bfg\cdot\bfx + f\big(k_x,L_x,|\bfx|\big)
&- m_y\bfg\cdot\bfy + f\big(k_y,L_y,|\bfy-\bfx|\big)

where $\bfg$ is the acceleration of gravity (a downward-pointing vector) and the function $f$ is defined by
f(k.L,x) = k(L^2-x^2)^2.

The $L$s are the nominal arm-lengths, and the $k$s are the degree of rigidity of the arms. For finite $k$s, the potential energy $V$ is a smooth function of $\bfx$ and $\bfy$. The perfectly rigid version corresponds to $k_x,k_y\to\infty$: in that limit, any deviation from the nominal lengths $L_x,L_y$ costs infinite energy.

How chaotic is the system with finite-but-large values of $k_x$ and $k_y$, if chaos is quantified in the standard way(s)? Intuitively, the closer $k_x,k_y$ are to zero, the less chaotic the system should be, because taking the limit $k_x,k_y\to 0$ gives a pair of freely-falling masses that don't interact with each other at all. But can we determine how the degree of chaos (quantified in a standard way) scales with $k_x,k_y$, at least roughly?

Best Answer

It's true that $k_{x,y}\to 0$ will be non chaotic, but, before this limit, the extra degrees of freedom of flexible arms should allow for more complex motion. At any rate I don't expect the degree of chaos to change too smoothly or monotonically with $k_{x,y}$, but rather that, e.g., periodic windows from resonances between spring and pendulum movements show up at intermediate values (resonances in the simple spring-pendulum have been studied for some time, see, e.g., here and here).

As Wrzlprmft comments, some simulations should help with building an intuition — it sounds like a nice undergrad project — if you do perform some, please share here your results. Edit: There are already a number of numerical implementations and simulation results available, for instance: in java (Open Source Physics), Matlab (1), Matlab (2), Mathematica (1), Mathematica (2), Maple, etc.