Electromagnetism – How Maxwell’s Equations Describe Photons and Electrons/Protons


As an analogue to an existing question about how Maxwell's equations and photons relate [1], I'm curious how Maxwell's equations relate to charged particles, e.g. electrons and protons? That is, how does a single system of equations manage to describe the behavior of both charged matter (such as electrons and protons) and the propagation of photons. Particularly when the motivation and derivations I've seen all focused on the charged matter aspect exclusively.

I understand that both photons and electrons are (quantum mechanical) particles, while Maxwell's equations are about fields and continuous current/charge densities.

The kind of answer I'm looking for is, for example, if Maxwell's equations happen to be a reasonable approximation to 2 other sets of equations, one for photons and one for electrons.

[1] Do Maxwell's equation describe a single photon or an infinite number of photons?

Best Answer

The following is not well-known, but (modified) Maxwell equations can indeed describe both electromagnetic field and electrons.

@Quantumwhisp commented: "Maxwell's equations don't describe charged particles at all", and then asked: "Can you derive the Lorentz-Force from maxwell's equations?"

I am not saying these comments are unreasonable, but, surprisingly, Dirac did derive the Lorentz force from Maxwell equations (Proc. Roy. Soc. London A 209, 291 (1951)).

I summarized Dirac's derivation elsewhere as follows.

Dirac considers the following conditions of stationary action for the free electromagnetic field Lagrangian subject to the constraint $A_\mu A^\mu=k^2$: \begin{equation}\label{eq:pr1} \Box A_\mu-A^\nu_{,\nu\mu}=\lambda A_\mu, \end{equation} where $A^\mu$ is the potential of the electromagnetic field, and $\lambda$ is a Lagrange multiplier. The constraint represents a nonlinear gauge condition. One can assume that the conserved current in the right-hand side of the equation is created by particles of mass $m$, charge $e$, and momentum (not generalized momentum!) $p^\mu=\zeta A^\mu$, where $\zeta$ is a constant. If these particles move in accordance with the Lorentz equations \begin{equation}\label{eq:pr2} \frac{dp^\mu}{d\tau}=\frac{e}{m}F^{\mu\nu}p_\nu, \end{equation} where $F^{\mu\nu}=A^{\nu,\mu}-A^{\mu,\nu}$ is the electromagnetic field, and $\tau$ is the proper time of the particle ($(d\tau)^2=dx^\mu dx_\mu$), then \begin{equation}\label{eq:pr3} \frac{dp^\mu}{d\tau}=p^{\mu,\nu}\frac{dx_\nu}{d\tau}=\frac{1}{m}p_\nu p^{\mu,\nu}=\frac{\zeta^2}{m}A_\nu A^{\mu,\nu}. \end{equation} Due to the constraint, $A_\nu A^{\nu,\mu}=0$, so \begin{equation}\label{eq:pr4} A_\nu A^{\mu,\nu}=-A_\nu F^{\mu\nu}=-\frac{1}{\zeta}F^{\mu\nu}p_\nu. \end{equation} Therefore, the last three equations are consistent if $\zeta=-e$, and then $p_\mu p^\mu=m^2$ implies $k^2=\frac{m^2}{e^2}$ (so far the discussion is limited to the case $-e A^0=p^0>0$).

Thus, the first equation with the gauge condition \begin{equation}\label{eq:pr5} A_\mu A^\mu=\frac{m^2}{e^2} \end{equation} describes both independent dynamics of electromagnetic field and consistent motion of charged particles in accordance with the Lorentz equations. The words "independent dynamics" mean the following: if values of the spatial components $A^i$ of the potential ($i=1,2,3$) and their first derivatives with respect to $x^0$, $\dot{A}^i$, are known in the entire space at some moment in time ($x^0=const$), then $A^0$, $\dot{A}^0$ may be eliminated using the gauge condition, $\lambda$ may be eliminated using the first equation for $\mu=0$ (the equation does not contain second derivatives with respect to $x^0$ for $\mu=0$), and the second derivatives with respect to $x^0$, $\ddot{A}^i$, may be determined from the first equation for $\mu=1,2,3$.

However, the above is about classical electrodynamics. What about quantum theory? It turns out that modified Maxwell equations can be equivalent to the Klein-Gordon-Maxwell electrodynamics or (with some caveats) to the Dirac-Maxwell electrodynamics (see my article Eur. Phys. J. C (2013) 73:2371 at https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1140/epjc/s10052-013-2371-4 ).

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