Thermodynamics – How Can a Quasi-Static Process Be Reversible?


As I understand it, a reversible process is required to be quasi-static because each infinitesimal step in a quasi-static process generates only infinitesimal amounts of entropy at a time which can be reversed with only an infinitesimal amount of work. But my question is: even if only infinitesimal amounts of entropy are generated at each step, when you integrate this over a finite path, doesn’t the work required to reverse the process integrate to a finite value, rendering the process irreversible? Given this, how can any process be irreversible?

Best Answer

No real process is reversible, for precisely the reason you mention: a gradient (e.g., in temperature, pressure, or chemical potential) is required to drive a process, but energy moving down that gradient produces entropy. By skilled engineering (to reduce friction, for instance) and by slow operation, we can reduce entropy generation to an arbitrarily low level, but we cannot make it zero. The idealization of zero entropy generation and reversibility is nonetheless sometimes useful.

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