Quantum Mechanics – Can Multiple Fermions Occupy the Same Physical Space? Understanding the Pauli Exclusion Principle

fermionspauli-exclusion-principlequantum mechanicswavefunction

As per my understanding:

  1. Multiple fermions cannot have the same quantum state (as per Pauli exclusion principle)
  2. Multiple fermions can occupy the same physical space as long as they have different quantum states (or numbers or properties such as spin)

If both these statements are true then, part of the second statement "as long as they have different quantum states (or numbers or properties such as spin)" doesn't become necessary. Because first statement implies that "multiple fermions always have different quantum states". Hence, the second statement simply becomes "Multiple fermions can always occupy the same physical space" (For a moment let's consider only fermions, their quantum state and physical space they occupy. And not other factors like electromagnetic repulsion etc)

However, at multiple places on the Internet it has been stated (and seems like widely accepted) that: Multiple fermions cannot occupy the same physical space as per Pauli exclusion principle, and that is why matter structures exists in the universe.

Can someone please help me trying to figure out where am I making mistake?

Best Answer

Both of these statements are technically true, though (2) is basically redundant.

The Pauli Exclusion Principle has been proven using advanced techniques. What it says is that fermions cannot have the same quantum numbers; it doesn't necessarily mean that they 'cannot occupy the same physical space'. There's more to a quantum system than simply position.

One example of this is the electron shell in an atom. Take the helium atom, for example, which has both electrons in the 1s subshell. In fact, these electrons have three of their four quantum numbers the same - the only difference is their spin.

But does this mean that matter has no structure? No - and that is because of the discrete property of quantum energy levels. There are only two possible spins for an electron, so a maximum of two electrons can occupy the same 'physical space'. As long as the fermions cannot bunch together without limit (like bosons), there must be fermions occupying different positions, and this gives rise to he structure of matter (what we used to learn as 'matter takes up volume').

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