Electromagnetism – Can a Generator and Motor Create Perpetual Motion?


A DC generator work by converting the mechanical energy of the rotating coil to electrical energy and hence current is generated.

What if this generated current is supplied to a motor which in turn helps of the rotation of the coil in the same generator, wouldn't this lead to perpetual motion?

I know I made a mistake, but I'm not able to find out where

Best Answer

Off the top of my head, I can think of two instances where energy will be lost here. Because wires have some resistance, no matter how small, there will be energy loss in the form of heat as the charges do work to go against the resistance. Also, energy will be lost in the form of contact heat when one motor drives coil.

So there will be no perpetual motion, as energy is continuously lost per cycle. Given enough time, the motion will slowly die out.

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