Quantum Mechanics – Gauge Choice in Aharonov-Bohm Effect

aharonov-bohmelectromagnetismgauge-theoryquantum mechanics

In p.385 of Griffiths QM the vector potential $\textbf{A} = \frac{\Phi}{2\pi r}\hat{\phi}$ is chosen for the region outside a long solenoid. However, couldn't we also have chosen a vector potential that is a multiple of this, namely $\textbf{A} = \alpha \frac{\Phi}{2\pi r} \hat{\phi}$ where $\alpha$ is some constant? The two are related by a gauge transformation:
\alpha\frac{\Phi}{2\pi r}\hat{\phi} = \frac{\Phi}{2\pi r} \hat{\phi}+\nabla\bigg((\alpha-1)\frac{\Phi}{2\pi}\phi\bigg).\tag{1}

When I solve the TISE with this new gauge I get that the energy levels are:
E_n = \frac{\hbar^2}{2mb^2}\bigg(n-\alpha \frac{\Phi}{\Phi_0}\bigg)^2\tag{2}

which is different from what Griffiths even if the magnetic flux is quantized. How is it possible that the ground state depends on the gauge choice?

Best Answer

Your proposed gauge transformation fails because $\phi$ is not a continuous function. The reason a gauge transformation $A_\mu \mapsto A_\mu + \partial_\mu \alpha$ is invisible from the perspective of the Aharanov-Bohm effect is because the AB phase difference takes the form $$\delta \varphi = \oint A_\mu \mathrm dx^\mu\underbrace{ \longmapsto}_{\text{gauge transformation}} \oint A_\mu \mathrm dx^\mu + \underbrace{\oint (\partial_\mu \alpha)\mathrm dx^\mu}_{=0\text{ if }\alpha\text{ differentiable}} = \delta\varphi$$

Your proposed gauge transformation uses an $\alpha$ which has a branch cut somewhere in the plane. As a result, its closed-loop integral will generically not be equal to zero. But this is not a valid gauge transformation. This can be seen even more clearly by noting that the transformation $A \mapsto \alpha A$ does not preserve the values of the electric and magnetic fields (i.e. it scales them by a factor of $\alpha$) which is an immediate indication that it isn't a gauge transformation.

Recall that the Faraday tensor $F$ - which contains the physical degrees of freedom in electromagnetism - is obtained from the 4-potential $A$ via $$F = \mathrm dA \iff F_{\mu\nu} = \partial_\mu A_\nu - \partial_\nu A_\mu$$ while the (vacuum) Maxwell equations take the form $$\partial_{[\alpha}F_{\beta\gamma]}=0 \qquad \partial_\mu F^{\mu\nu}=0$$

A gauge transformation $A \mapsto A + \mathrm d\alpha$ does not change the Maxwell equations$^\dagger$ because $F \mapsto F + \mathrm d^2\alpha$, and $\mathrm d^2 \alpha$ is identically zero for all twice continuously differentiable functions $\alpha$; this is what a gauge transformation is. If $\alpha$ does not possess this smoothness property, then this isn't a gauge transformation.

$^\dagger$In fact, electromagnetic gauge transformations preserve not just the Maxwell equations but the Faraday tensor itself. In more complicated (non-Abelian) gauge theories this is not true - the equations of motion are preserved, but the non-Abelian analogue of $F$ is not itself gauge-invariant.

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