Newtonian Mechanics – How Objects Gain Gravitational Potential Energy

energynewtonian-gravitynewtonian-mechanicspotential energywork

  1. If an object is moving upwards with constant velocity in which upward force is supplying energy and gravity is extracting energy till height ($h$), so from where it gained potential energy?

  2. Please also answer why gravitational potential energy increases with increase in height?

Best Answer

If you 're pertaining to this sort of example , i think this should be your answer

EG : An object is laid on the ground, it has some potential energy . When I throw it to a higher level , according to the formula of potential energy = mgh ( m-mass, g- acceleration due to gravity , and h- height ) , becuase the height increases , the potential energy increases .

Question is WHY ?

" Energy cannot be destroyed or created it is simply transferred into another form" Ans: When I throw an object to higher level with my hand , my hand gives the object some energy in the form of kinetic energy. As the energy ( kinetic energy) is moving up overcoming the force of gravity, this energy then transfers to the objects potential energy thus increasing the potential energy of the object.

When the object reaches its maximum height , all its left is with potential energy so for a moment only it stays there , and then due to the gravity it accelerates towards the grounds , turning all its potential energy to the kinetic energy . enter image description here

I hope this clarifies your doubt , If not I suggest you could specify the question for more clarity so that other users can post the right answers for you .