General-Relativity – Frames and Coordinate Transformations in General Relativity Explained

coordinate systemsdifferential-geometrygauge-invariancegeneral-relativityreference frames

I am learning the frame formalism in differential geometry and I am trying to reconcile this with applications in general relativity, especially in contexts like the tetrad formalism.

Consider a vector field $X$ on a differentiable manifold $\mathcal{M}$. Then, in some coordinate patch we can expand the vector in a basis $\partial_\mu$ as, $X = X^{\mu}(x)~\partial_\mu$ where $X^\mu(x)$ are the components of the vector field. If instead, I use coordinates $y$, then the components transform as,
$$X'^\mu(y) = \frac{\partial y^\mu}{\partial x^\nu}~X^{\nu}(x)~.$$

An alternative way to describe these objects is through the introduction of frame fields which are a collection of vector fields $E_a$ with $a = 1,2,3,…,n$ for an $n$ dimensional manifold, which are orthonormal $\langle E_a, E_b\rangle_G = \delta_{ab}$ with respect to some metric $g_{\mu \nu}$ on the manifold. Then, these $n$ vector fields act as a coordinate system at each point $p \in \mathcal{M}$. Since these are vector fields I still have $E_a = E_a^{~\mu}~\partial_\mu$ and similarly I can define a dual frame $e^a = e^a_{~\mu}~dx^\mu$ which are one-forms such that $\langle E_a, e^b\rangle = \delta_{a}^{~b}$. Now, given the same vector field $X$, I can project this vector field into my frame to obtain

$$X^a = \langle e^a, X\rangle = e^a_{~\mu}X^{\mu}, $$

which is a scalar under coordinate transformations. However, the frame does transform under $O(n)$ rotations. So, for $M^a_{~b} \in O(n)$, $e'^a = M^a_{~b}~e^b$ and hence, $X^a \to X'^a = M^a_{~b}X^b$ under $O(n)$. Therefore, $X^a$ is a scalar under coordinate transformations but an $O(n)$ vector.

This is my confusion. In special relativity for example, one can make a Lorentz transformation (where we apply the above formalism but with $O(1,n-1)$) and move between different inertial frames. However, these transformations are also considered coordinate transformations, since I have an invertible coordinate map between the coordinates in the new frame and the old one.

  1. Therefore, what really is the difference between a coordinate transformation and a frame change?

  2. As a corollary, I understand that going between different frames via an $O(n)$ rotation, is also like making a gauge transformation. But I have heard the statement that "diffeomorphisms are much like gauge transformations." How is this relevant in this context, since coordinate invariance is promoted to diffeomorphism invariance in GR?

Best Answer

The difference between a coordinate transformation and a "frame change" is the following.

If you think of the rotation as a coordinate transformation, a diffeomorphism, you are rotating both the frame ($e^a \to M^a_{\ \ b} e^b$) and the vectors ($X^a \to M^a_{\ \ b} X^b$), so that the projection of the rotated vector on the rotated frame $X^a = \langle e^a, X \rangle$ is invariant, as you mentionned.

However, if you only rotate the frame ($e^a \to M^a_{\ \ b} e^b$, $X^a \to X^a$), you are only rotating the coordinate system, so that the projection of the initial vector on the rotated frame is behaving like an $O(n)$ vector. Equivalently, you can fix the frame and only rotate the vectors ($e^a \to e^a$, $X^a \to M^a_{\ \ b} X^b$).

How to relate this to physical theories ? Let us consider a physical differential equation $$ D(x) \phi(x) = 0 $$ where $D(x)$ is a differential operator written in $x$ coordinates. When we claim that the theory is invariant under rotations, we mean that if $\phi(x)$ is a solution, the rotated solution $\phi(M x)$ is also a solution in the same coordinate system, of the same differential operator $D(x)$ $$ \text{Rotationally invariant theory : } D(x) \phi(x) = 0 \implies D(x) \phi(M x) = 0 $$

This is the concrete "rotational invariance", rotating the solution without changing the coordinate system is also a solution of physics. Note that we could equivalently check $D(x) = D(M x)$. This is the standard verification that the differential operator is invariant under rotation.

This is to be contrasted to diffeomorphism invariance : $$ \text{Diffeomorphic invariant theory : } D(x) \phi(x) = 0 \implies D(M x) \phi(M x) = 0 $$ This is satisfied by design, because differential equations are invariant under coordinate reparametrization $x = M x'$. I think this post may be useful for details on diffeomorphism invariance, Diffeomorphism Invariance of General Relativity