Electrostatics – Equation of Capacitance of a Capacitor


Imagine the two terminal of a parallel-plate capacitor are connected to the two terminal of a battery with electric potential difference $V$. If the capacitance of the capacitor is $C$, and the area of each plate is $A$, then how can I express the charge stored on each plate ($\pm Q$) in terms of only $C$, $V$ and $A$?

My Attempt:

We know that the voltage across the capacitor is $V=\frac{Qd}{\epsilon A}$, where $d$ is the distance between the plates (since there is only one capacitor connected to the battery of electric potential $V$), and the capacitance is $C=\frac{\epsilon A}{d}$. We can rearrange this to get $d=\frac{\epsilon A}{C}$; then plugging it to the first equation we get: $V=\frac{Q}{\epsilon A}\cdot \frac{\epsilon A}{C}= \frac{Q}{C}$, so thatthe stored charge is $Q=CV$. Unfortunately, this is the elementary formula that relates only $C$ and $V$ to $Q$, but not the area $A$ of the plates.

I need a formula that relates $C$, $V$, and $A$ to $Q$.

Best Answer

The answer is $$Q(C,V,A)=CV,$$ which is why you're having trouble.

This is like the equation for a horizontal line: $$y=f(x)=2$$

Has no $x$ in the equation.

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