Electromagnetism – Electric Potential and Kinetic Energy in Flowing Charge


We just started with electricity in school(grade 10) and I have some confusions regarding electric potential.

According to my book,

The potential at a point is defined as the amount of work done per unit charge in bringing a positive test charge from infinity to that point.
enter image description here In the given figure, a test charge $+Q$ is brought from infinity to a point $P$ in the vicinity of a positively charged body. If $W$ joule of work is done in bringing the test charge $Q$ coulomb from infinity to the point $P$ in the vicinity of a positively charged body then the electrical potential at that point is given as $V=\frac WQ$.

Now my question is:

  • Based on my understanding from another question which I had asked, suppose we are lifting a ball kept on the ground upwards. The ball exerts a force $-mg$ on us and we exert an opposing force $F_o$ to it, out of which the net work done on the ball by the net force acting on it ($F_o – mg$) which causes chage in the kinetic energy of the ball. The change in potential energy is caused by the external force equal to the force of gravity on the ball which will be equal to $-(-mg)=mg$.

  • Similarly for electric potential, I thought that to get the unit charged object moving towards the bigger charged body, we need to apply a force(say,
    $F_e$) greater than the force of repulsion(say, $-F_r$)
    between them, out of which the net force $F_e+(-F_r)$ provides the kinetic energy to the test charge, and $F_r$ adds up to the potential of the charge $Q$.

Is the last point correct? Did I misunderstand anything? I have another question too, but I would reserve that for another post considering I am unsure of the above points which I have mentioned. My book mentions absolutely nothing about kinetic energy, so I am unsure of its presence and condition in charged bodies.

Best Answer

Yes, TO ACTUALLY MAKE IT MOVE a net force must be greater, however let's say I provide a force infinitesimal greater, it will have some velocity. And then moving along that distance I will have done X amount of work against gravity.

The way you should think of it, is that IF an object moves through a distance, the Electric field is going to either be doing positive or negative work per unit charge.

Meaning if lets say in moving through a distance A to B the field does -W work per unit charge. The total amount of energy I need to provide to overcome that negative work, will be "W" aka the negative of the work done by the field. As W+(-W) = 0 so if I give W work over a distance, then the field will equally "Steal" that work from me, causing no net gain of KE by the object

Its all about measuring how much work is either done or lost on an object by the field IF it were to move along a certain path. The negative of this is the total amount of energy that "i" put in, to overcome this

Thought experiment:

Given an object moves vertically with an initial velocity V, as the object moves gravity will do negative work on it, such that at a height "H" the total amount of negative work done by gravity is equal to the objects kinetic energy, aka the object STOPS at height H

now imagine that now, the object is at the ground with the same initial velocity. But this time, I am applying an EQUAL BUT OPPOSITE force to gravity. The net force is zero, so the object will continue to move upwards at a constant velocity. When the object reaches a certain distance upwards "A", I will then STOP that applied force, clearly now the object is at a height "A" and will then continue to move upwards by the same amount as the first scenario and then stop.

Meaning that I have now applied a force -F over a distance A but this time the object has now has a maximum height A+h

Aka, A meters higher. Clearly the work that I have put in, has caused the object to move A meters heigher, than the previous scenario.

Aka, that is the total amount of work I have to do in order to overcome the force of gravity through a distance A.

More mathematically.

Consider the equation

$1/2 m v^2 + \int_{A}^{B} F \cdot dr = 0$

Aka, an object with an initial Ke, moves through the distance a to b, in the presence of a force field, such that when it reaches B, it stops. Well how much energy do I need to give the object such that in the presence of F, it stops when it moves through a to b?


$1/2 m v^2 = - \int_{A}^{B} F \cdot dr $

this is exactly the same as if I apply the work to the object over the distance, instead of at the very start in the form of Ke

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