Quantum Mechanics – Eigenstates of Two-Spin Hamiltonian for Arbitrary Spin Numbers

angular momentumlinear algebraquantum mechanicsquantum-spin

Consider two spin-$s_1$ and spin-$s_2$ particles coupled through a Hamiltonian of the form
$$H = E_1 S_1^z + E_2 S_2^z + J S_1^x S_2^x,$$
for some $E_1,E_2,J\in \mathbb{R}$. Suppose we want to find the eigenstates/eigenvalues of this Hamiltonian. Now for a specific $s_1$ and $s_2$, a brute-force way of doing this would be to 1) find the matrix representation of the angular momentum operators in the joint eigenbasis of $S_1^z$ and $S_2^z$ (utilizing ladder operators for the transverse components). And then 2) plugging these matrix representations into $H$ and just finding the eigenvectors and eigenvalues of that matrix.

That works for specific $s_1$ and $s_2$ values, provided that they are small enough so that the matrix representation isn't too large. But I was wondering if there is a way to find the eigenstates for arbitrary spins instead. For Hamiltonians of the form $\mathbf{S}_1\cdot\mathbf{S}_2$, you can rewrite the dot product in terms of the total angular momentum of the two and then use Clebsch-Gordon coefficients. But that trick doesn't seem to be applicable here either.

Best Answer

I'll rename your parameters in a more standard form: $$ H = -B_1S_1^z-B_2S_2^z-JS_1^xS_2^x $$ In general, I don't think that there is a simple closed form for arbitrary $s_2,s_2$. Intuitively, your Hamiltonian has no standard symmetries, so it'll be hard to directly diagonalise it using standard basis. I'll just propose various approximation schemes that can be useful to calculate the spectrum.

A first natural step is to treat $J$ perturbatively in the $J\to0$ limit. In this case, the natural basis is the simultaneous $S_1^z,S_2^z$ eigenbasis of $(2s_1+1)(2s_2+1)$ vectors: $|m_1,m_2\rangle_{|m_1|\leq s_1,|m_2|\leq s_2}$. They automatically form an energy eigenbasis: $$ H(J=0)|m_1,m_2\rangle = (-B_1m_1-B_2m_2)|m_1,m_2\rangle \\ E_{m_1,m_2}^{(0)} = -B_1m_1-B_2m_2 $$

For simplicity assuming that initially the energy spectrum is non degenerate ($B_1,B_2$ being incommensurable suffices), 1rst order perturbation theory gives a vanishing correction. At second order, you get the leading order correction. Using: $$ \langle m'|S_x|m\rangle = \frac{1}{2}(\delta_{m',m+1}+\delta_{m',m-1})\sqrt{(s+1)(m+m'-1)-mm'} $$ you get: $$ E_{m_1,m_2}^{(2)} =\frac{J^2}{4}\sum_{\epsilon_1,\epsilon_2\in\{\pm\}^2}\frac{[(s_1+1)(2m_1+\epsilon_1-1)-m_1(m_1+\epsilon_1)][(s_2+1)(2m_2+\epsilon_2-1)-m_2(m_2+\epsilon_2)]}{\epsilon_1B_1+\epsilon_2B_2} $$

Conversely, you could use perturbative theory in the $J\to\infty$ limit. This time, the natural basis is the simultaneous $S_1^x,S_2^x$ eigenbasis of $(2s_1+1)(2s_2+1)$ vectors: $|m_1,m_2\rangle_{|m_1|\leq s_1,|m_2|\leq s_2}$. They automatically form an energy eigenbasis: $$ H(J\to\infty)|m_1,m_2\rangle = -Jm_1m_2|m_1,m_2\rangle \\ E_{m_1,m_2}^{(0)} = -Jm_1m_2 $$ However, the energies are degenerate and you need to apply second order perturbation theory with lifted degeneracy which complicates matters.

Finally, there is a third general approach outlined by Gec. Just as the low $s_1,s_2$ limit is easy to compute, the high $s_1,s_2$ limit is also easier. You just need to think classically since large $s$ is equivalent to vanishing $\hbar$. $S_1,S_2$ are now classical vectors of respective norm $s_1,s_2$. Assuming that they are both uniformly (using the standard rotation invariant measure), independently distributed on their respective spheres, this gives the energy density: $$ \rho(E) = \frac{(2s_1+1)(2s_2+1)}{(4\pi)^2}\int \delta(E+B_1s_1\cos\theta_1+B_2s_2\cos\theta_2+Js_1s_2\sin\theta_1\sin\theta_2\cos\phi_1\cos\phi_2)\sin\theta_2\sin\theta_2d\phi_1d\theta_1d\phi_2d\theta_2 $$ Once again, I don't think that you can calculate this analytically in general, but simulating it using Monte Carlo methods is very easy.

Hope this helps.