Thermodynamics – Efficiency of a Heat Engine with Finite Hot Reservoir


I'm working on a problem that asks me the efficiency of a heat engine exchanging heat with an infinite cold reservoir and a finite hot reservoir of capacity $C$ that operates between the temperatures $T_H=10\,T_C$. Looking up at the solution, I found out that the book I'm reading it from makes use of the change of entropy being equal to 0, which is reasonable since it's a reversible process, but it states that $$\frac{Q_C}{T_C}=C\int_{T_H}^{T_C}\frac{dT}{T}$$being $\delta Q=CdT$, and I don't quite get why it integrates between precisely $T_H$ and $T_C$ and not between $T_H$ and some generic $T_f$. Is the efficiency of any reversible engine independent of its operating parameters? Can I take an arbitrary $T_f$ and still get the same result, thus justifying the $T_C$ in the integral? And if I can, is this possibility limited to this specific kind of cycle or can it be applied to every reversible one? (btw with this identities the efficiency comes out nicely as $\approx 0,744$). Thank you all 🙂

Best Answer

It seems to be referring to the maximum amount of work you can squeeze out of the system. During the operation, the temperature of the hot reservoir would be getting lower. To get the maximum amount out of this, you would have to run the system in a sequence of mini-cycles, where, in early cycles, the hot reservoir would be close to $T_H$, while, in later cycles, the hot reservoir would approach $T_C$. After the hot reservoir reaches $T_C$, of course, no more work can be squeezed out.

So the change in entropy of the hot reservoir over the entire sequence of cycles would be $$\Delta S_H=-\int_{T_C}^{T_H}{\frac{CdT}{T}}$$The change in entropy of the cold reservoir would be $$\Delta S_C=\frac{Q_C}{T_C}$$This would be enough information to determine the heat rejected to the cold reservoir $Q_C$ over the entire sequence of cycles. And from that you can determine the work and the efficiency.

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