Projectile Motion – Effect of Height on Artillery Range


Extra height for artillery is greatly prized in military
tactics. As I understand it maximum range neglecting air resistance is always achieved by firing at a 45 degree angle. So what is the increased range as a function of firing height? M777 howitzers with a muzzle velocity of 827m/s can be the specific case.

And what impact will air resistance and real-world factors have?

Best Answer

The extra height will give you more travel time before it strikes the ground, and hence more time to travel horizontally. In an ideal situation, the projectile maintains its horizontal speed until it hits the ground. If the ground is further "down" from where it was fired, it means it will travel further, all else being equal.

As far as the optimal launch angle in this situation, it will be less than 45° as that corresponds to the ideal angle for level ground.

Mathmaticall if the launch height is $h$ above ground, then the time for impact is

$$ t = \sqrt{ \left( \frac{v \sin \theta}{g}\right)^2 + \frac{2 h}{g} } + \frac{v \sin \theta}{g} $$

and so the range is

$$ x = v \cos\theta \sqrt{ \left( \frac{v \sin \theta}{g}\right)^2 + \frac{2 h}{g} } + \frac{v^2 \sin \theta \cos \theta}{g} $$

Now the optimal angle for launch maximizes the range, and it comes out to be (in degrees)

$$ \theta° = 90° - \arctan \left( \sqrt{1+ \frac{2 g h}{v^2}} \right) $$

You can see when $h=0$, the expression above is $\theta° = 90° - \arctan(1) = 45°$. For positive values of $h$ the angle becomes less than 45°.