Earth’s linear velocity around the Sun

astronomyearthnewtonian-mechanicsorbital-motionsolar system

I am creating a theoretical model of the Earth's tangential acceleration around the Sun (on an elliptical orbit, not circular). First, I will build a theoretical model, which is not influenced by any other planet or mass in the solar system, and then compare it to the actual data available.

For this I would require data on the actual linear velocity of Earth around the Sun (using my method), does anyone know how I can obtain this data?

Best Answer

You can obtain this data (and other solar system data) to high accuracy using the HORIZONS software by NASA.

Use the following settings:

  • Ephemeris Type: VECTORS
  • Target Body: Earth [Geocenter] [399]
  • Coordinate Origin: Sun (body center) [500@10]

This will generate the position and velocity of Earth relative to the Sun at the specified time(s). More settings can be adjusted using Table Settings.

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