General Relativity – Earth as Inertial Reference Frame: Finite Radius Effects

centrifugal forcegeneral-relativitygravityreference frames

In a recent question I tried to clarify under what conditions the Earth can be considered as an inertial reference frame. The opinions, summarized in my own answer to the cited question, are that

  • Apart from its rotation, the Earth is in a state of free fall and therefore is an inertial reference frame, as only relative accelerations between the bodies can be measured.
  • The Earth's rotation is slow, and results only in small non-inertial corrections, as compared to typical accelerations observed in our everyday life. (One can easily account quantitatively for these corerctions or the errors resulting from their omission – see fictitious forces.)

However, this answer seems to suggest that free fall conclusion is only approximately accurate for a finite-size object, and there are also corrections due to this finite size. Hence the answer given previously is possibly incomplete. Specifically,

  • are these corrections distinct from the Earth's rotation (or do they express the same thing really)?
  • can they be compensated by the Earth's rotation?
  • what are the limitations on the Earth's size/radius for making this corrections small (e.g., in comparison to the gravity force experienced at the surface)?

Best Answer

Are these corrections are distinct from the Earth's rotation (or do they express the same thing really)?

The answer by Luboš Motl was describing the contribution of spacetime curvature as deviations from flat spacetime. In flat spacetime, you can always find a global inertial reference frame, and due to the "automatically guaranteed" fact he mentioned we know that in curved spacetime you can always find a local inertial frame where deviations from inertial are second order in space and time.

Flatness means that gravity is uniform or absent. Spacetime curvature means that gravity is non-uniform, which is tidal gravity. The further away you go in curved spacetime the more non-uniform gravity is. This causes spatially separated geodesics to accelerate relative to each other more than nearby geodesics.

Luboš Motl made one mistake in his answer, and that was to claim that the greatest contributions come from the moon and the sun. The largest source of non-uniform gravity near the earth is the earth itself. Due to the curvature and the finite size of the earth, geodesics on opposite sides of the earth accelerate towards each other at 2 g, which swamps any contribution from the moon or sun. It is this non-uniformity in gravity, this curvature of spacetime, that keeps the surface of the earth from expanding although it is accelerating outward at 1 g.

As your region of interest covers a larger and larger area, the deviations from flatness increase. So in a small lab, we can treat free-falling objects as inertial. If they start out at rest with each other then they stay approximately the same distance apart. Over a large region, such as the whole earth, that doesn't work. Free-falling objects initially at rest with each other do not stay the same distance apart.

Can they be compensated by the Earth's rotation?

No. They have nothing to do with the earth's rotation. The effects described above by me and in the other answer by Luboš Motl are for a non-rotating object. Earth's rotation produces an additional but very small effect. I have neglected that here.

What are the limitations on the Earth's size/radius for making these corrections small (e.g., in comparison to the gravity force experienced at the surface)?

Basically, for the curvature corrections to be small you need to have a small enough region of space and time so that objects at rest in free-fall do not appreciably change their distances with each other. If your room is small enough that everything falls in the same direction then you should be fine. If you have a lab that spans a continent then objects falling on one side of the lab will be accelerating slightly towards objects falling on the other side of the lab.

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