Thermodynamics – Does Higher Temperature Make Burning Faster?


Like if I burn wood at 500 C, or 1000 C, is there a relationship? Any equation that model this? Thanks

Best Answer

Burning faster could be understood in different ways. Here are a few comments:

Rate of chemical reaction
Being a chemical reaction, combustion rate usually obeys the Arrhenius equation: $$k=Ae^{-E_a/RT},$$ that is the reaction goes faster at higher temperatures, which help to break the reactant molecules.

Speed of flame propagation
Laminar flame speed gives the speed with which the flame front propagates along the mixture of the unburned reactants. It also increases with temperature: $$s\propto\sqrt{\frac{T_b-T_i}{T_i-T_u}},$$ where $T_b, T_u$ and $T_i$ are the temperatures of the burned and unberned reactants and the ignition temperature.

Adiabatic flame temperature
Adiabatic flame temperature characterizes the completeness of combustion process (i.e., how fully the reagents are used). It also increases with the reagents temperature:

The adiabatic combustion temperature (also known as the adiabatic flame temperature) increases for higher heating values and inlet air and fuel temperatures and for stoichiometric air ratios approaching one.