Does an irregular rigid body can only rotate in three directions

angular momentumangular velocityrigid-body-dynamicsrotational-dynamics

Suppose that at a certain instant the angular momentum with respect to the center of mass is not parallel to the angular velocity. Does this necessarily imply that the angular momentum is rotating around the axis of rotation? If so, then an isolated body must necessarily have angular momentum with respect to the center of mass parallel angular velocity (otherwise the angular momentum varies and the system is not isolated).  However, this gives me a perplexity: an irregular rigid body has only 3 axes such that $ \vec{L}_{cm} $ and $ \vec{\omega} $ are parallel. Does this mean that the irregular rigid body can only rotate in three directions? It seems completely absurd to me, but where is the mistake?

Best Answer

A general rigid body has 3 principal axis. Suppose $I_1<I_2<I_3$. If it rotates around $I_1$ or $I_3$ without external torques, the angular velocity doesn't change and is parallel to the angular momentum. Theoretically the same happens with rotation around $I_2$, but in a unstable mode. Any deviation and it starts to wobble (tennis racket effect).

The angular momentum is conserved if there is no applied torques, but the angular velocity can varies chaotically.