Electromagnetism – Divergence of Current Density and Charge Density


In magnetostatic the continuity equation is:

$$\frac {\partial \rho}{\partial t} + \nabla \vec j(\vec r)=0$$.

In my script the following is said:

Since we are in magnetostatic $\frac {\partial \rho}{\partial t} =0$ and therefore $\nabla \vec j(\vec r)=0$. Now I understand that this $\nabla \vec j(\vec r)=0$ means that in the medium we are observing there are no sources of the electric current density. But at the same time, since a current density is present, there should be a region in which a charge is changing over time. If the current density is going towards a region that means we are having a sink there, and if it is going out of a place we are having a source. How would we have current without a change in the value of some charge over time? What am I understanding incorrectly ?

Best Answer

The presence of a current does mean charge is moving around, but not necessarily that the charge density is changing anywhere. If $\nabla \cdot \vec{j} \neq \vec{0}$, then we'd have sinks and/or sources. Since it is zero, all we have is charge flowing around with more charge coming in to replace it.

Imagine, for example, there is an infinite line of people walking at a constant speed. Of course, everyone is changing places all the time. However, the density of people is always the same, for whenever someone walks forward, the person behind fills in the space that would be left open. It is the very same idea. While charges are moving around, there is always some more charge to fill in the places that would be left open, and charges are always leaving a spot where another charge is entering. Hence, charge does move around with the current, but no sources or sinks ever occur.

A similar analogy is to observe the flow of water on a bathtub, for example. While water can move around, it has no sinks nor sources.

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