Special Relativity – Dimension of a Vector Space of All Tensors of Rank $(k,l)$ in 4D

linear algebraspacetimespacetime-dimensionsspecial-relativitytensor-calculus

Dual vector space is the set of all linear functionals defined on a given vector space. The vector space and dual vector space is isomorphic and hence have the same dimension. A rank $(k,l)$ tensor is a multilinear functional defined on the product space consisting of $k$ dual spaces and $l$ vector spaces. Hence analogues to above,the set of all $(k,l)$ tensors should be isomorphic to the product space consisting of $k$ dual vector spaces and $l$ vector spaces, hence should have a dimension $4k+4l$, assuming we are considering the spacetime. But set of all $(k,l)$ rank tensors have $4^{k+l}$ basis vectors defined using tensor product hence have the dimension $4^{k+l}$. Why is that set of all tensors of rank $(k,l)$ is not isomorphic to the product space? How can we interpret these extra degree of freedom.

Best Answer

A rank $(k,l)$ tensor is a multilinear functional defined on the product space consisting of $k$ dual spaces and $l$ vector spaces.

Correct (assuming you mean, as I think you really do, the Cartesian product rather than tensor product).

Hence analogues to above,the set of all $(k,l)$ tensors should be isomorphic to the product space consisting of $k$ dual vector spaces and $l$ vector spaces…

This is wrong! We want the dimension of the space of multilinear functionals, not the dimension of the domain of these multilinear functionals (which is what you’re calculating). We’re looking for all possible multilinear maps on a large domain space, which is why we get a potentially larger space.

I would start off with the following comment: it is usually good to reduce a multilinear algebra problem to a linear algebra one. Suppose we have three vector spaces, $V_1,V_2,W$, over a fixed field $\Bbb{F}$. Let $\text{Hom}^2(V_1\times V_2;W)$ be the vector space of bilinear maps $V_1\times V_2\to W$. There is a canonical isomorphism \begin{align} \Phi:\text{Hom}^2(V_1\times V_2;W)\to \text{Hom}(V_1,\text{Hom}(V_2,W)) \end{align} defined simply as $\Phi(T)= [v_1\mapsto T(v_1,\cdot)]$, i.e given a bilinear $T$, we define $\Phi(T)$ to be the linear map which assigns to each $v_1\in V_1$, the linear map $T(v_1,\cdot)= [v_2\mapsto T(v_1,v_2)]$. I leave it to you to verify that $\Phi$ is a linear map, and that it is invertible with inverse \begin{align} \Phi^{-1}:\text{Hom}(V_1,\text{Hom}(V_2,W))\to \text{Hom}^2(V_1\times V_2;W) \end{align} given by $\left(\Phi^{-1}(S)\right)(v_1,v_2):=\left(S(v_1)\right)(v_2)$.

To understand this, you just need to keep your head straight about the order of evaluation, and the idea of ‘freezing one variable’, or as is also known, currying. Therefore, the above argument shows that these two vector spaces are isomorphic, and hence have the same dimension: \begin{align} \dim \text{Hom}^2(V_1\times V_2;W)&=\dim \text{Hom}(V_1,\text{Hom}(V_2,W))\\ &=\dim V_1\cdot \dim \text{Hom}(V_2,W)\\ &=\dim V_1\cdot \dim V_2\cdot \dim W, \end{align} because the dimension of the space of linear maps between two vector spaces is the product of dimensions (the pedestrian way of thinking is that an $m\times n$ matrix has $m\cdot n$ entries which can be filled, not $m+n$). Again, note carefully that this is different from the dimension of the domain, $\dim(V_1\times V_2)=\dim V_1+\dim V_2$.

Extending this idea using induction (take $V_1=\dots= V_k=V^*$ and $V_{k+1}=\cdots = V_{k+l}=V$ and $W=\Bbb{F}$ the underlying field), you see that the $(k+l)$-fold multilinear maps form a vector space of dimension $(\dim V)^{k+l}$ (assuming $\dim V$ is finite of course, so that $\dim V=\dim V^*$).

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