Dimensional Analysis – Can Temperature Scales Be Raised to Any Power?

dimensional analysissi-unitsunits

Could you have a quartic or square degree Celsius or other degree on a temperature scale raised to any power?

The units of the Stefan-Boltzmann constant are watts per square meter per quartic kelvin, so it is possible with kelvins. But a kelvin is not a type of degree, although it is a unit of temperature, and is in fact the SI unit of temperature.

Please note that I'm not sure about any of this, your feedback in the comments would be welcome. I'm not sure "per quartic kelvin" is optimal, though it is sometimes used; perhaps "per kelvin to the power four" is better. I know that nomenclature can be a controversial and emotive subject, even in science.

Searching the Internet turned up no trace of a square degree of temperature, and Wikipedia has no disambiguation page for "square degree" and says, "A square degree (deg2) is a non-SI unit measure of solid angle. Other denotations include sq. deg. and (°)2. Just as degrees are used to measure parts of a circle, square degrees are used to measure parts of a sphere."

So it's possible to write it, but it only means square degree of angle, according to Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Square_degree

So my question is: could you have a quartic or square degree Celsius or other degree on a temperature scale raised to any power?

Best Answer

Let's focus on two example equations where temperature enters. The first example is Newton's law of cooling: $$ J = c (T_h-T_c) $$ where $J$ is the heat flux from a hot reservoir at temperature $T_h$ and a cold reservoir at temperature $T_c$ and $c$ is some constant that depends upon the interface details. It should be clear that in this equation we could (if we wished) write instead: $$ J = c\left((T_h-T_r)-(T_c-T_r)\right)$$ and insert some reference temperature $T_r$. Thus this equation makes sense whether or not we use absolute temperature (measured in Kelvin) or relative temperature (measured in degree Celsius or Fahrenheit, and which has precisely such a reference temperature).

Instead consider the Stefan-Boltzmann equation: $$ P = A\sigma(T_h^4-T_c^4) $$ because $x^4$ is a non-linear function, we can no longer do the same shifting trick. Thus, the Stefan-Boltzmann law can only hold in absolute units. This should make it clear that any quantity where the units include Kelvin raised to any non-linear power can't make much sense when written in Celsius.