Cosmology – How to Estimate the Total Energy of the Universe


So I know that we do not know the sum of all energy in the universe, but why can we not just estimate with the following logic? (That I assume has some fatal flaw preventing anyone from guessing the total energy of the universe with it)

Since the universe is considered uniform by some (if you zoom out a lot) could we take an average piece of the universe, guess how many of those pieces there are in the universe, and then multiply the chunk’s energy by how many of them we think could exist?

Best Answer

IF the universe is infinite, and it also satisfies approximately the homogeneous characteristic, THEN the sum of all energy is also INFINITE.

IF the universe is finite, and it also satisfies approximately the homogeneous characteristic, THEN the sum of all energy is UNKNOWN because the volume of the finite universe is not known.

However, the relevant equation is known, but you may not be interested in the math.