Metric Tensor – Contraction Between Metric Tensor and Non-Tensor Entity


In general relativity, I know that
$$u^\mu=\dfrac{d x^\mu}{d \tau}$$
$$a^\mu=\dfrac{d u^\mu}{d \tau}$$
where spacetime coordinates of a particle are a function of proper time
and they are not tensors because they are calculated by ordinary derivative instead of covariant derivative so, I can't lower or raise indices by metric tensor but can I contract two of them with metric tensor as the following?
$$a^2= g_{\mu \nu} a^\mu a^\nu$$
and what is the meaning of u and a? are they still velocity and acceleration? and what is the difference between them and others calculated by covariant derivative? Thanks a lot.

Best Answer

Normally one writes $\big(x^0(\tau),x^1(\tau),x^2(\tau),x^3(\tau)\big)$ for the worldline of a massive particle parameterized by its proper time $\tau$. In this case, the 4-velocity $\mathbf u(\tau)$ with components $u^\mu =\frac{dx^\mu}{d\tau}$ is a 4-vector.

Partial derivatives only make sense when a quantity is a function of more than one variable, which is not the case here. $x^\mu$ is a function only of the proper time $\tau$, and so an ordinary derivative is appropriate. Furthermore, $\mathbf u(\tau)$ is the normalized tangent vector to the worldline, and so you can raise and lower its indices or contract it with tensorial quantities however you wish.

The 4-acceleration $\mathbf A(t)$ is a bit more subtle. Being more explicit with the definition of the 4-velocity, we have that $$u^\mu(\tau) := \lim_{\epsilon\rightarrow 0} \frac{x^\mu(\tau+\epsilon)-x^\mu(\tau)}{\epsilon}$$ As you can see, $u^\mu$ is computed by subtracting the coordinates $x^\mu$ at different values of $\tau$; this is fine because the coordinates $x^\mu$ are scalar functions, so you're just subtracting numbers. However, this no longer works for vectors; it doesn't make sense to subtract vectors which don't live at the same point, so the naive definition $A^\mu = \frac{du^\mu}{d\tau}$ does not result in a tensor.

The technology one needs to compute the derivative of $\mathbf u(\tau)$ is a parallel transporter $\mathbb T$. The transporter gives us a way to transport a vector $\mathbf V$ along a curve $\gamma$. More concretely, let $\mathbf V$ be a vector attached to the point $\gamma(0)$; then the parallel transporter $\mathbb T_{\gamma}$ moves $\mathbf V$ by an infinitesimal parameter distance $\delta$ along the curve $\gamma$ as follows:

$$\tilde{\mathbf V} \equiv \mathbb T_\gamma[\mathbf V,\delta] := \left(\mathbb I - \delta \dot \gamma^\mu \Gamma_\mu\right) \mathbf V$$

where for each $\mu$, $\Gamma_\mu$ is a $4\times 4$ matrix. In component form, this becomes

$$\tilde V^\alpha = V^\alpha - \delta \dot \gamma^\mu \Gamma^\alpha_{\mu \beta} V^\beta$$

With this technology in hand, we can properly define the derivative of the 4-velocity:

$$\mathbf A := \lim_{\epsilon\rightarrow 0} \frac{\mathbb T_x[\mathbf u(\tau+\epsilon),-\epsilon] - \mathbf u(\tau)}{\epsilon}$$

In words, one takes the vector $\mathbf u(\tau+\epsilon)$ (which is attached to the position $x^\mu(\tau+\epsilon)$), transports it backward along $x^\mu$ by $\epsilon$, and then subtracts $\mathbf u(\tau)$. The result in component form is

$$A^\mu = \frac{du^\mu}{d\tau} + \Gamma^\mu_{\alpha\beta} u^\alpha u^\beta \equiv \frac{Du^\mu}{d\tau}$$

where $a^\mu \equiv \frac{du^\mu}{d\tau}$ - the derivatives of the components of $\mathbf u$ - is sometimes called the coordinate acceleration, and $\frac{Du^\mu}{d\tau}$ is a common shorthand.

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