Electromagnetism – Understanding Poynting’s Theorem and Its Confusion


The total force on a charge is equal to $\mathbf {F}=q\mathbf {(E+ v×B)}$ where everything have their usual meanings . We can say that:

$$dW= \mathbf {F\cdot dl} = {\mathbf{F}\cdot \frac{d \mathbf{l} }{dt}} dt= \mathbf {(F\cdot v)}dt = q(\mathbf {E\cdot v})dt = \mathbf {(E\cdot j)} dt …… $$

where $\mathbf {j}$ is the current density vector created by the charge and it is non zero only at the point of point charge.
Now from Maxwell's laws:

$$\mathbf {j}= \frac{1}{\mu}\mathbf {\nabla×B} -\epsilon \frac{d\mathbf {\tilde E}}{dt}$$ where $\epsilon$ and $\mu$ are electric and magnetic permittivities. We have to note here that $\mathbf {\tilde E}$ is the total electric field, not only the electric field which acts on the charge . Thus $\mathbf {E}$ and $\mathbf {\tilde E}$ are not same. But in Poynting's theorem both are treated same and thus dot produced with $\mathbf {j}$. So is the theorem wrong?

Best Answer

Whenever you have a conflict between some established principle and the concept of a classical point charge, the issue is the classical point charge. They lead to all sorts of oddities like infinite energy, weird self-forces, and other such things.

Poynting's theorem follows directly from Maxwell's equations. So it can be used any time that Maxwell's equations apply. To resolve the issue you mention, simply, use continuous charge and current distributions, $\rho$ and $\vec J$. These are the variables that appear in Maxwell's equations, so applying them makes direct sense. In terms of those variables the Lorentz force density is $\vec f = \rho \vec E + \vec J \times \vec B$ and it can be applied directly.

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