Scattering – Understanding Compton Scattering Angle Distribution and Klein-Nishina Model


I have a Geant4 simulation where 662keV photons are going into a detecting volume (Germanium). As expected, when I look at the output of the simulation, these photons undergo Compton scattering and photoelectric absorption.

I have written a python script for analysing this output, where I calculate the scattering angle and plotted them in a histogram:Histogram of Compton scattering angles from a 662keV

This seems to agree very well with plots I've found online.
(figure2: DOI:10.1016/j.nima.2019.163228 )
Online plot from a paper.

To round off this piece of work, I wanted to show that my distribution from Geant4 can be inferred from the Klein-Nishina model/the model that the aforementioned paper used.

However, when I plot the differential cross section (which I understood as akin to 'probability'?) vs scattering angle of the KN model, they donโ€™t agree. The distribution shape is totally different.

Klein-Nishina Model

The simulated electrons in the detecting volume aren't free electrons, so I tried adding an Impulse Approximation (Hartree-Fock if that means anything) but it still doesn't line up with the simulation results (although I'm not entirely sure if I did it right โ€“ the maths was slightly heavy for me).

How would I go about showing the agreement between theory (Klein-Nishina or other model) and my histogram?

And how did the author of the 'relative probability' graph obtain that data; a model that I don't know of, experimental…?

Any help or push in the right direction is hugely appreciated. ๐Ÿ™‚

The answer below yields the below python script – although the vertical scale is off.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

c = 299792458.0  # meter / second
E = 662000 *1.602176634 * 10**(-19) #incident energy 
h = 6.62607015 * 10**(-34)  # joule second
hbar = h / (2 * np.pi)
me = 9.1093837015 * 10**(-31)  # kilogram

omega = E / hbar #angular freq
R = hbar * omega / (me * c**2) #variable R in solution

def I(t):#define the function I(theta)
    return -np.cos(t) / R**2 + \
           np.log(1 + R * (1 - np.cos(t))) * (1/R - 2/R**2 - 2/R**3) - \
           1 / (2 * R * (1 + R * (1 - np.cos(t)))**2) + \
           1 / (1 + R * (1 - np.cos(t))) * (-2/R**2 - 1/R**3)

def w_prime(t):#Calc angular_freq for scattered photon
    return omega/(1+(hbar*omega/(me*c**2))*(1-np.cos(t)))

def f(t):#calc f(theta), aka the PDF
    return (1/(I(np.pi)-I(0))) * (w_prime(t)/omega)**2 * (omega/w_prime(t) + w_prime(t)/omega -(np.sin(t)**2))*np.sin(t)

theta_vals = np.linspace(0, np.pi, 1000)

plt.plot(theta_vals, f_vals)

Best Answer

$d\sigma$ needs to be converted to a probability density function $f(\theta)$, then plot $f(\theta)$.

The well-known cross section for Compton scattering is $$ \frac{d\sigma}{d\Omega} =\frac{\alpha^2(\hbar c)^2}{2s} \left(\frac{\omega'}{\omega}\right)^2 \left(\frac{\omega}{\omega'}+\frac{\omega'}{\omega}-\sin^2\theta\right) $$ where $$ \omega'=\frac{\omega}{1+\frac{\hbar\omega}{mc^2}(1-\cos\theta)} $$

We can integrate $d\sigma$ to obtain a cumulative distribution function. Let $I(\theta)$ be the following integral of $d\sigma$. (The $\sin\theta$ is due to $d\Omega=\sin\theta\,d\theta\,d\phi$) \begin{equation*} I(\theta)= \int \left(\frac{\omega'}{\omega}\right)^2 \left(\frac{\omega}{\omega'}+\frac{\omega'}{\omega}-\sin^2\theta\right) \sin\theta\,d\theta \end{equation*}

The solution is \begin{multline*} I(\theta)=-\frac{\cos\theta}{R^2} +\log\big(1+R(1-\cos\theta)\big)\left(\frac{1}{R}-\frac{2}{R^2}-\frac{2}{R^3}\right) \\ {}-\frac{1}{2R\big(1+R(1-\cos\theta)\big)^2} +\frac{1}{1+R(1-\cos\theta)}\left(-\frac{2}{R^2}-\frac{1}{R^3}\right) \end{multline*} where \begin{equation*} R=\frac{\hbar\omega}{mc^2} \end{equation*}

The cumulative distribution function is \begin{equation*} F(\theta)=\frac{I(\theta)-I(0)}{I(\pi)-I(0)}, \quad 0\le\theta\le\pi \end{equation*}

The probability of observing scattered photons in the interval $\theta_1$ to $\theta_2$ is \begin{equation*} P(\theta_1\le\theta\le\theta_2)=F(\theta_2)-F(\theta_1) \end{equation*}

Differentiate $F(\theta)$ to obtain normalized probability density function $f(\theta)$. $$ f(\theta)=\frac{dF(\theta)}{d\theta} =\frac{1}{I(\pi)-I(0)} \left(\frac{\omega'}{\omega}\right)^2 \left(\frac{\omega}{\omega'}+\frac{\omega'}{\omega}-\sin^2\theta\right) \sin\theta $$

Note that if we had carried through the $\alpha^2(\hbar c)^2/2s$ in $I(\theta)$, it would have canceled out in $F(\theta)$.