Group Theory – Commutation Relation Under an Arbitrary Lie Algebra Representation


This is an exercise in Woit's book, B9, Problem 2:

For the case of the Euclidean group $E(2)$, show that in any representation $\pi'$ of its Lie algebra, there is a Casimir operator
|\vec{P}|^2 = \pi'(p_1)\pi'(p_1) +\pi'(p_2)\pi'(p_2)
that commutes with all the Lie algebra operators $\pi'(p_1), \pi'(p_2), \pi'(l)$.

I have a couple of doubts regarding this computation. Suppose we want to prove that it commutes with $\pi'(p_1)$. One has to compute
[\pi'(p_1)\pi'(p_1) +\pi'(p_2)\pi'(p_2),\pi'(p_1)] = 0,

but since $\pi'(\cdot)$ is arbitrary, I would like to "use" the definition of the Lie algebra representation

A Lie algebra representation $(\phi,V)$ of a Lie algebra $\mathbb{g}$ on an $n$-dimensional complex vector space $V$ is given by a real-linear map $$\phi: X\in \mathbb{g}\rightarrow \phi(X) \in \mathbb{gl}(n,\mathbb{C})$$ satisfying $$\phi([X,Y]) = [\phi(X),\phi(Y)].$$

Of course this definition is for finite vector spaces (it is the one in my book), but still I can use it in my case (e.g. the Schrödinger representation is still unitary and fulfills the commutator relation above), right?

If this holds then

where the Lie bracket is now the Poisson bracket and thus $\pi'(0)$.

Is the process above valid? Is it $\pi'(0)=0$?

Best Answer

Is the process above valid? Is it $\pi'(0)=0$?

Yes, it is. The phase-space origin in your ill-met infinite-dimensional representations maps to the trivial zero operator in Hilbert space, just like the zero matrix for the 3×3 matrices provided.

Specifically, you have the E(2) brackets, $$ [\pi'(p_1),\pi'(p_2)]=0, \qquad [\pi'(l),\pi'(p_1)]=\pi'(p_2), \qquad [\pi'(l),\pi'(p_2)]=-\pi'(p_1), $$ where your Casimir works; but it is not in the Lie algebra.

In point of fact, your target bracket can also be computed by inspection as a plain commutator of the Schroedinger realization, $$ \pi'(l)= -q_1\partial/\partial q_2 + q_2\partial/\partial q_1 ,\qquad \pi'(p_1)=-\partial/\partial q_1, \qquad \pi'(p_2)=-\partial/\partial q_2, \\ \pi^{'~ 2}(p_1)+ \pi^ {'~ 2}(p_2)= \frac{\partial^2 }{\partial q_1^2}+ \frac{\partial^2 }{\partial q_2^2}~~. $$ Note the last line is not in the Lie algebra, but it is still "represented" faithfully by this "crypto-quantization" realization.

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