Satellite Path – Change in Path of a Satellite on Changing Its Velocity


When the speed of a Satellite travelling in a perfectly circular orbit is increased does the path of the satellite remain circular and the radius is increased OR does the path of the satellite follow an elliptical path after the speed has been changed OR are there some other possibilities that I am missing?
Also, would the answer be different if the speed is instantaneously increased and not over a period of time?
The satellite may be assumed to be a point object and the planet to be perfectly spherical.

Best Answer

Firstly, a perfectly circular orbit is an idealization which simplifies physical scenarios to help build understanding of concepts using easier mathematics. All orbits are elliptical. See: Kepler's First Law

Secondly, a satellite velocity in order to maintain orbit will only depend on the mass of the object being orbited, and the distance of the satellite from that object. That is, $$v_{sat} = \sqrt{\frac{GM_{central}}{R}}$$

If that velocity decreased suddenly, what happens? The satellite does not have enough speed to maintain orbit and it falls inwards until collision.

Conversely, if that velocity increased suddenly, this brings the risk of escaping the orbit and skipping off into empty space as the velocity is too large to maintain stable orbit.