Newtonian Mechanics – Can Newton’s Laws Be Derived from Each Other in a Specific Order?


In my opinion we can derive Newton's laws in a specific order only that is 2nd from 1st and 3rd from 2nd and first only.

Let us suppose there is a body B which is in its initial state P(i). Now as per Newton's 1st law we have that to take the body to some state P(j) in time t(ij) we need to apply force on it.

From above we certainly know that to Change the state of a body force must be applied and hence we can define force F as F= G(P(ij)) or in unit time t(ij) we have F= f(P(ij)/t(ij))

Best Answer

This is a common misconception that Newton's first law is unnecessary or that it can be derived from Newton's second law; ''If we put the force equal to zero in Newton's second law then we get the first hence the first law is redundant''. But this is wrong. What is a force? Newton's first law defines what a force is! And Newton's second law describes how this defined force acts on an object.

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