Optics – Calculating Effective Refractive Index from Group Index


I'm currently trying to calculate the effective refractive index $n_{eff}$ of waveguides using the (measured) group index $n_g$ and the wavelength $\lambda$.
I started with the relation between $n_{eff}$ and $n_g$:

$$n_g = n_{eff}(\lambda) – \lambda\cdot\left (\dfrac{d}{d\lambda} n_{eff}(\lambda)\right) .$$

Here I am stuck – if I know $n_g$ and the wavelength $\lambda$, can I use the above relationship to determine $n_{eff}$, or is there another approach that I should use?

Best Answer

We can rewrite the differential equation as: $$\frac{1}{\lambda}\frac{dn_{eff}}{d\lambda}-\frac{n_{eff}}{\lambda^2}=\frac{d}{d\lambda}\left(\frac{n_{eff}}{\lambda}\right)=-\frac{n_g}{\lambda^2}$$

So$$\frac{n_{eff}}{\lambda}=C-\int\frac{n_g}{\lambda^2}d\lambda$$for some constant $C$, which you can establish using suitable boundary conditions.

To solve this using numerical data, as you have suggested in the comments, between $850\space\text{nm}$ and $855\space\text{nm}$, you would replace the integral with a sum: $$\int\frac{n_g}{\lambda^2}d\lambda\approx\sum\frac{n_g}{\lambda^2}\Delta\lambda$$ where $\Delta\lambda$ is the wavelength spacing between measurements.

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