Statistical Mechanics – Average Value of Energy in Statistical Mechanics

density-of-statesenergystatistical mechanics

I haven't taken any classes in Statistical Mechanics, but in studying Structure of Matter I found some ideas I'm not very familiar with, related with the average value of energy ($E$). Given a $p(E)$ probability density, the average energy is:

\langle E\rangle=\frac{\int\limits_0^\infty Ep(E)dE}{\int\limits_0^\infty p(E)dE}

Now, in two different cases the average energy is calculated using either the Boltzmann distribution (the average energy per normal mode, when deriving Rayleigh Jeans)
p(E)\propto e^{-\frac{E}{kT}}

or the Maxwell-Boltzmann(*) distribution (when deriving $\beta=\frac{1}{kT}$.).

The first case yields:

E=kT \tag{2}

While the second case yields:

E=\frac{3}{2}kT \tag{3}

That is familiar from kinetic

I suppose I am calculating average energy in two different situations.

Can you provide some physical (mathematically is quite clear, the distributions being different) insight on why this results are different in $(2)$ and $(3)$?

Actually it is not directly stated. It "builds" average energy starting from
\langle E\rangle=\frac{\int\limits_0^\infty Edn}{\int\limits_0^\infty dn}

and then $dn$ is expressed in term of $dE$ and there is this $\sqrt{E}$ factor, so I assumed the book was implicitly using Maxwell Boltzmann.
(Brehm, Introdution to the structure of matter. Chapter 2, section 3, example 2)

Best Answer

Can you provide some physical (mathematically is quite clear, the distributions being different) insight on why this results are different in (2) and (3)?

In the $kT$ case there are two degrees of freedom (e.g., single point particle in two dimensions, e.g., a simple harmonic oscillators in one dimension, etc.). In the $3kT/2$ case there are three degrees of freedom (e.g., single particle in three dimensions, etc.).

Each "degree of freedom" contributes $kT/2$ to the average energy.

For example, in the free particle case: $E(p)=\frac{p^2}{2m}$. And $dE \propto pdp$

So, in two dimensions: $$ E \propto \int dp p e^{-E(p)/kT} \propto \int dE e^{-E/kT}\;. $$

And, in three dimensions: $$ E \propto \int dp p^2 e^{-E(p)/kT} \propto \int dE\sqrt{E} e^{-E/kT}\;. $$