Application of “real” Grassmann Gaussian integrals


In Appendix 2B of the CFT yellow book by Francesco et al, the authors introduced two types of Grassmann Gaussian integrals (the $\theta$'s below are generators of a Grassmann algebra):

  • The "real" one

I = \int d\theta_1 \cdots d\theta_n \exp(-\frac{1}{2} \theta^T A \theta)

  • The "complex" one

I_2 = \int d\bar{\theta} d\theta \, \exp(-\bar{\theta} M \theta)

d\bar{\theta} d\theta = \prod_{i=1}^n d\bar{\theta}_i d\theta_i

I know that the "complex" is useful because its generalization to functional integral is the coherent state path integral for free fermions. But I have not encountered applications of the "real" integral, and did not search the yellow book for it. Can anyone kindly tell me applications of the "real" Grassmann Gaussian integral? Is it related to Majorana fermions (which is "real") or some other coherent state path integral?

Best Answer

The "real" integral evalautes to the Pfaffian of $A$ where for an $2n$-by$2n$ skew symmetric matrix $A$ $$ {\rm Pf}A= \frac 1{2^n n!} \epsilon_{i_1, \ldots, i_{2n}} A_{i_1,i_2}\ldots A_{2n-1,2n}. $$
The Pfaffian has the property that $({\rm Pf} A)^2= {\rm det}A$, and has applications many places in combinatorics. For Majorana fermion path integrals it replaces the one-loop Matthews-Salam determinant.


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