Electrostatics – Continuity of Electric Potential for an Infinite Sheet


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For the mcq question above, the answer key states that the potential is continous and the electric field is discontinuous.

I understand how the electric field is discontinuous as it points in 1 direction for 1 side of the sheet, then jumps to point in the other direction for the other side of the sheet.

What I don't get: How does that show the potential is continuous? The textbook/answer key says that since $E = -dV/dr$, this implies that the potential is also continuous. I can't seem to understand as to why this is the case as all this tells me is that since the electric field is constant, the potential is a straight line with a slope of say $m$ for 1 side of the plate, the other side of the plate would have a potential of $-m$. How does this show me that potential is continuous (especially at the origin)?

Best Answer

I think there is a good conceptual question here. I'm going to try to pitch this explanation at a level that is probably slightly higher than what is covered in AP Physics C, but that hopefully you can follow (let me know if not). This is an area where pursuing your question can lead you deeper into the subject than what you are expected to know on the test.

In a sense you are right. If you remove the sheet itself at the origin, then you can think of the two sides of the sheet separately. The potential is only defined up to a constant, so you could add different constants to the two sides, and the potential would not be continuous at the sheet. But the field would be the same everywhere on either side of the sheet, as it would be if the potential were continuous.

So, clearly, grokking the difference between these cases relies on understanding what's happening exactly at the sheet, which is quite a singular place and tricky to get a handle on

One physical way to understand what is going on is to imagine fuzzing out the infinitely thin sheet into a slab with a finite thickness. It is possible to solve for the field and potential inside a slab, although I don't remember if you do it in AP Physics C or not. The field continuously goes to zero at the center of the slab, and then changes direction. Because the field is continuous, the potential is also continuous (and differentiable). Then, in the limit that the slab becomes infinitely thin and becomes a sheet, the potential will remain continuous. Since the infinitely thin sheet is really just an idealization for a charge distribution with a small-but-finite thickness, we should expect on physical grounds that the potential of a sheet should be continuous, based on this limit.

We can also probe the sheet more directly, at the cost of some mathematical abstraction. In particular, the underlying mathematical fact here is that the derivative of a discontinuous function is more singular at the discontinuity, than the derivative of a function with a non-differentiable kink is at the kink. This can be made precise in terms of the Dirac delta function, which I suspect you haven't met but you will if you continue studying physics. The derivative of a step function is a delta function. The delta function is a "function" (actually a distribution, but that's a detail at this level) which is zero everywhere except a single point, where it is infinitely large. If the potential is discontinuous at a point, then the electric field will be proportional to a delta function at that point. This means that there would be an infinitely strong electric field at the surface of the sheet, which is a singularity pointing to a breakdown of Maxwell's equations.

Even without knowing about Dirac delta functions, you can detect the difference between a continuous and a discontinuous potential, by integrating the electric field, as suggested in the comments by hypnortex. If you integrate the electric field of a sheet, you will get a continuous potential. In order for the integral to be discontinuous at the origin, the field must be infinitely large there.

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