Quantum Mechanics – Action of an Operator-Valued Function of the Momentum Operator $\hat{p}$

hilbert-spacemomentumoperatorsquantum mechanics

I am currently dealing with an operator-valued function
$f(\hat{T})$ of the following kind:
$$f(\hat{T}) =\sqrt{1 + b\hat{T}^2} $$
where $b$ $\in \mathbb{R}$ and $\hat{T}$ is a linear operator acting on the usual Hilbert space of quantum mechanics, i.e. $L^2(\mathbb{R})$.
What I am interested in is to define its action on a generic physical state $|\Psi\rangle$ in the representation of its own eigenbasis (of course I am supposing that this exists).

If I am correct, I could proceed with a series expansion of the previous operator.
This leads me to write:
$$\sqrt{1 + b\hat{T}^2}=\sum_{n=0}^{\infty} c_n (b\hat{T}^2)^n $$
where $c_n$ is the proper generalized binomial coefficent and the series should converge for $\left\|b\hat{T}^2\right\|\leq 1$.

This should not be a problem in principle, nevertheless, it turns out that, in my framework, the operator $\hat{T}$ is the usual momentum operator of quantum mechanics $\hat{p}$, which – to my knowledge – is unbounded with respect its domain of definition (which should be a dense subset of the Hilbert space $L^2(\mathbb{R})$).
From this, I deduce that the previous procedure is not suitable for the present case.
Hence what can be done? My question can be exposed from two different points of view:

1)How can I find the action of this operator if the series expansion fails to be a proper instrument?

2)Is it possible to "impose" that the momentum operator $\hat{p}$ be bounded – like some kind of constraint, which I imagine could lead to a redefinition of the operator itself? From a mathematical and physical point of view is this even possible?

Thank you all in advance.

Best Answer

I'm not sure what you are after, but, normally, for finite, as for infinite-dimensional operators, one uses some version of Sylvester's formula, and one investigates convergence properties afterwards.

If, by "its own eigenbasis", you mean the eigenbasis of momentum, $$ |\Psi\rangle= \int\!\!dp~~|p\rangle \langle p| \Psi\rangle, $$ then you evidently have $$\sqrt{I+b\hat p^2}|\Psi\rangle= \int\!\!dp~~|p\rangle ~\sqrt{1+b p^2} ~\langle p| \Psi\rangle,$$ as you appear to anticipate. (In sadistic undergraduate QM, in momentum space, this presents as $f(p)\Psi(p)$.)

You may be familiar with the operator based on the Casimir operator of angular momentum, $$ \sqrt{\hat L^2+1/4} -1/2 , $$ whose eigenvalues are $\ell$ when acting on irreducible spin multiplets.

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