MATLAB: Zynq SDR setup error

fmcomms3hardware setupsdrzynq

I have bought the AD FMCOMMS3 module for a software defined radio for my ZC706 board and wanted to start testing its capabilities. I installed the xilinxzynqbasedradio.mlpkginstall downloaded from here
I then ran the setup by running the commands:
>>dev = sdrdev('ZC706 and FMCOMMS2/3/4')
I followed the instructions here and got an error that looked like this:
I have tried looking at the common problems FAQs but none of those seemed to help. I tried to do an info and the results were:
I am unsure of what is wrong at this point if it can read data from the Zynq device but does not get data from the RF card.
I am using MATLAB 2016b for this and using Ethernet connection to the Zynq as my computer does not have USB 3.0.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

Just a followup to this problem. I set up a new workstation with the ethernet to USB adapter and ran the same commands and everything worked. It was not configuring the Ethernet port correctly.