MATLAB: Zynq Radio QPSK receiver example errors with “block_diagram does not have a parameter named ‘HDLCodeGenStatus’

Communications Toolboxzynq sdr ad9361

In the Communications Toolbox Hardware Support Package for Xilinx Zynq-Based Radio, when running the QPSK Receiver Simulink model, you see the following error:
MATLAB System block 'zynqRadioQPSKRxAD9361AD9364SL/AD936x Receiver' error occurred when invoking 'setupImpl' method of 'comm.SDRRxAD936x'. The error was thrown from '
'…/Documents/MATLAB/SupportPackages/R2019a/toolbox/shared/libiio/base/+matlabshared/+libiio/+internal/isGeneratingHDL.p' at line 0
'…//Documents/MATLAB/SupportPackages/R2019a/toolbox/shared/libiio/base/+matlabshared/+libiio/+internal/isGeneratingHDL.p' at line 0
'…/Documents/MATLAB/SupportPackages/R2019a/toolbox/shared/libiio/base/+matlabshared/+libiio/base.p' at line 0
'…/Documents/MATLAB/SupportPackages/R2019a/toolbox/shared/sdr/sdrplug/sdrplugins/zynqradio/+comm/+zynqradio/rx.p' at line 0'.
Caused by:
block_diagram does not have a parameter named 'HDLCodeGenStatus'

Best Answer

You may see this error if you do not have HDL Coder installed. In brief, some HDL Coder configuration information was mistakenly saved onto the receiver Simulink model, and a check will fail if you don't have HDL Coder installed.
A workaround is to run the following commands at the command prompt then save the model.
csActive = getActiveConfigSet('zynqRadioQPSKRxAD9361AD9364SL');
csActive.detachComponent('HDL Coder');
This will remove the problematic configuration information. Be sure to save the model, close it and open it again.
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