MATLAB: Zoom Image Matlab

Image Processing Toolboxzoom image

please want to zoom my image; How can i do please?
I done this code:
load navatalungo_H.asc
NP1 = 1151;

Best Answer

You can generally turn zoom on or off or set a zoom factor using zoom()
However, if you want to zoom to a particular section then the easiest way is to set the axes xlim and ylim . When you do this you should take into account that the xx and t coordinates are the coordinates of the centers of pixels, so you would want to nudge the limits a little to the left or right to include whole pixels.
Note: when you pass x and y values to image() or imagesc() or imshow(), then only the first and last values are paid attention to. If you need a non-linear presentation of an image you need to handle it a different way, such as using pcolor(), or texture mapping your image onto a surface or patch.