MATLAB: “You cant use “MATLAB_R2011a_Student” with os x yosemite”


I've installed OS X Yosemite on my MAC. But when I try to open Matlab I have the message: "You cant use this app version “MATLAB_R2011a_Student” with this version of OS X. You have MATLAB_R2011a_Student” MATLAB Release 2011a." How can I fix this problem?

Best Answer

Well you're using an antique version of MATLAB that was released 3 years prior to your new operating system so I'm not too surprised. But I'm hearing that MATLAB doesn't run on Yosemite even for people on R2014a and R2014b. So you may be out of luck until they come out with a patch. I think there was a patch for some old versions of OSX or MATLAB but I didn't pay too much attention because I don't have a mac. You can search the forum for Yosemite to find those posts. Click on the yosemite tag shown above.