MATLAB: Yes or No question using while loop

yes or no

I'm trying input values to find area, and then ask a yes or no question to test more values afterwards. However, I'm having a hard time incorporating the while loop with the yes or no statement. Any help is appreciated.
base = input('enter base of beam');
height = input('enter height of beam');
A = base*height
disp(['The area of the beam is= ', num2str(A)])
choice = questdlg('would you like to try other values?',...
%the 'No' button does not appear, am I using it incorrectly?
%See if the user would like to try more values:
% Read new data
%Starting the while loop here is where I have a problem, even if I assigned a random value to 'yes' or 'no' - doesn't work
switch choice
case 'Yes'
base = input('enter base of beam');
height = input('enter density of beam');
A = base*height
disp(['The area of the beam is= ', num2str(A)])
% Repeat until user chooses 'No'
case 'No'
disp('YAY! You finished you calculation!')
end %switch

Best Answer

while 1
base = input('enter base of beam');
height = input('enter height of beam');
A = base*height
disp(['The area of the beam is= ', num2str(A)])
choice = questdlg('would you like to try other values?','Choose','Yes','No','No');
if isequal(choice,'No')
disp('YAY! You finished you calculation!');