MATLAB: YAxis property of an Axes read-only, but XAxis and ZAxis are not.


I discovered that the YAxis property of an Axes is considered read-only, but the XAxis and ZAxis properties can be set and get. I was wondering if there was a specific reason for this, or if this is an oversight. Why is the YAxis property read-only, but the XAxis and ZAxis properties are not?

Best Answer

I needed to write code that saved the properties of the axes handle and then removed the read-only properties from the structure. I also needed to remove the individual handles as well and save those as structures, so that when the figure is closed I can recreate the figure by setting a new handle to the previous values without needing to save it as a .fig which will not work for my application.
Trying to generate code from your figure yourself is probably going to be difficult. If you're doing this interactively, use the Generate Code option on the File menu to create code that you can run (with the original data) to recreate the figure.