MATLAB: Xlswrite from cell and strcat error 0x800A03EC

0x800a03eccellstrcatsymbol [~]xlswrite

GreetingsI have a variable
A={'H$1';'H$2';'H$3'} %a 4x1 cell
% I need to generate an xlsx file with
=(YesH$1No) in cell A1
=(YesH$2No) in cell A2
=(YesH$2No) in cell A3
% I can xlswrite AA elements to excel wo problem
for ii=1:3
xlswrite('fileA.xls', AA)
xlswrite('fileB.xls', BB)
% for BB because of the equal and parenthesis it outputs an error
Error using xlswrite (line 219)
Error: Object returned error code: 0x800A03EC

Best Answer

writetable(cell2table(BB),'fileB.xls', 'WriteVariableNames', false)
Note that this would be for the case where you want the cells to contain those literal strings, not for the case where you are trying to write macros at those locations. For that task of writing macros, what I find is