MATLAB: Xlsread with sheet selection and xlRange


I am using xlsread as such:
subset = xlsread(filename, sheet, xlRange)
In particular:
filename = 'nameF';
sheet = 'sheet1';
xlRange = 'A1'; % I use one column to cover or using sheet and xlRange together
subsetA = xlsread(filename, sheet, xlRange)
I get this:
subsetA =
Same result when I use xlRange = 'A1:B1'
The purpose is to select particular columns from that sheetX of WorkbookY. Any recommendation?
Thank you

Best Answer

Looks like your excel file has nothing but string data, hence the 1st output of xlsread will give you empty (no numeric data to show). Here's more info on xlsread .
Try the following, and use the data you need:
[NumData, TextData, AllData] = xlsread(filename, sheet, xlRange)
Also, A1:B1 will only select the 1st row of A to B. Use xlRange = 'A:B' to select the A and B columns instead.