MATLAB: Xlsread with range of a column from specific row till the end


Hi. Is it possible to use xlsread for a specific range (start at second row) until the end of that column?
xlsread('fileName', 'SheetName', 'A2:A')
Thanks in advance, best

Best Answer

There is no Excel syntax expression equivalent to Matlab :end array references, no.
Read the column and trash the unwanted element or use a row ending reference that includes enough to ensure you "get 'er all". I think (but am not positive; don't use Excel that all that much) if there's not been data in trailing rows the return data will be the size of the data in the sheet or the trailing values will be filled with NaN. I suggest a few test cases to confirm actual behavior if that's of concern, but think the easiest is the first option by far.