MATLAB: X = a strophoid x=a(t2-1)/(t2+1), y=at(t2-1)/(t2+1), a>0, t=[-a,a].how to build a curve y (x) on the specified view.(blue dotted with marker type square)


X = a strophoid
y=at(t2-1)/(t2+1), a>0, t=[-a,a].

Best Answer

On your line 4. you left out a dot. You should have:
y = a*t.*(-1+t.^2)./(1+t.^2);
However this will only give you two points. You should change line 2. to:
t = linspace(-a,a);
Question: How does the term 'strophoid' enter into this? Is this curve the strophoid of some other curve, and if so, what is that curve and what are the fixed point and the pole?